When you’re creating content, it’s really easy to get caught up in the ‘I need to create a TON of this’ aspect of producing frequent updates. While frequency is a great motivator, it’s important to not lose sight of why you’re producing content, and the impact it will have on your intended audience. If you follow the old adage of ‘time is money’, then why would you spend time on content that’s going to have little to no impact on your business objectives? Creating content for the sake of creating content can be a fun exercise, but if you’re looking to fulfill a business need a bit of forethought can make a substantial difference.

For every piece of content you’re creating, I’ve found that it’s useful to keep the following 3 questions in mind:

When creating content

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Setting up a Patreon account can be a wonderful way to help support yourself as a producer of creative work. While it’s rare to find a single modern-day patron that’s going to support your every creative whim, Patreon enables individuals to support your work at a variety of levels. Combining the forces of many smaller patrons can lead to a much greater impact, and quickly adds up if you’re presenting a compelling case for why people should support you.

So, how does one get started with using Patreon as a creator?

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Sometimes a single tweet just isn’t enough. Sometimes you want to discuss a topic at length, or just go on a little Twitter rant. How do you ensure that others who might be joining in part way through can quickly and easily see the full conversation?

Easy: Reply to yourself!

By using Twitter’s native conversation grouping feature, you can easily create a collection of tweets on a single topic.

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Disclosure: DryCactus, creators of Poly Bridge are currently one of my Patreon sponsors. The framework for this article was drafted prior to their involvement, but I believe strongly in practicing transparency.

Previous Articles in this Series:

Why Social Sharing?

In a marketplace that’s flooded with choice, how do you reach more players? The cost of user acquisition has skyrocketed, and is well out of reach for most indie, or even mid-sized game studios. Advertising via social channels may have some small impact if positioned correctly, but it can just as easily fall flat if the campaign doesn’t hit exactly the right mark. So if you’re unable to pay for user acquisition or direct advertising, how can you help ensure that you reach more players than those that have already downloaded your game?

Enter: Social Sharing!

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