So you’re interested in having someone help you with your community & social media strategy. That’s great!

Is that someone me? Well, I guess that depends on what you’re looking for…

Areas of Expertise

  • Gaming Communities
  • Launch Planning
  • Training (Workshops, Individual, New Hire)
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Social Recommendations (against existing channels)
  • Social Evaluation & Recommendations (in-game/app)
  • Content Strategy (Social, Email, Blog, etc)
  • Content Evaluation & Guidance
  • Establishing Brand Tone & Voice
  • Risk Management & Critical Scenarios
  • Corporate Communication Policies
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Building a Customer Centric Company Culture
  • Public Speaking

And probably a variety of small odds and ends that didn’t quite make the cut. In short, if you think I might be a good fit for what you’re looking for, reach out and contact me!

Previous Successes

Image Courtesy of PopCap Games

A few of the projects that I’ve worked on previously:

  • 1 vs 100 for Xbox LIVE – Planned, launched & managed the community for the record breaking game
  • Zuma Blitz – Channel ownership & content strategy for a fan base of over 3.5 million Facebook fans
  • Hidden Agenda – Grew Facebook page for new IP to over 295,000 fans in 1st Quarter
  • PAX East Promotion – Created promotional campaign resulting in over 75,000 downloads of Peggle

Working With Me

First off, who the hell am I? Go check out the About page for a bit of rambly navel-gazing and a list o’ games and projects that I’ve worked on in the past. Or shortcut that and just go stare at me on LinkedIn:

In short, I’m a seasoned game industry community manager that’s currently living in New Zealand*, and who loves to help game devs, artists, and small businesses learn how to launch, manage, and grow their community presence. I love helping connect creators to the people who love their work, and am now in a position where I’m able to do that more directly via independent consulting. If you’re looking to build out or optimize your community strategy, drop me a line!

Serious business at PopCap

Serious business at PopCap

While I have serious experience, I also don’t take myself too seriously. I’m never going to call myself a Guru, or lecture you about how you should ‘shift the paradigm of the social web’. I’m serious about getting great results, and about creating a great relationship with my clients.

Hire Me

Interested in working with me? Fantastic! Just drop me a line and we arrange a time to talk!  Your first consultation session is free, so that we can better identify what you’re looking for, and how we can best work together.

If you’re looking for more information on specific packages, or for retainer based options, please contact me directly using the Contact Form.



*Hobbit jokes are almost a requirement. Do not feel guilty about throwing some of those my way.