I’m honored to be teaching a weekend workshop up in Auckland, NZ over at the award winning Media Design School!

From the official description:

“Community management is integral to engaging and retaining a good relationship with an international customer-base, however big or small your business may be! Join Tara Brannigan, Community Manager at Wipster (formerly Customer Relationship Manager at PikPok games), as she shows you the best way to plan, create, and manage your community on social media!

Part philosophy, part best-practices, this course is designed to set you up for success in developing a comprehensive social media and community engagement strategy”

Interested? Register now for the early bird discount!


If you’ve already registered to attend, please drop me a line either in the comments or over on Twitter @kindofstrange and let me know what you’re looking to achieve over the course of the workshop. I want to ensure that everyone who attends has a great experience, so please feel free to reach out and drop me a line!

Why boop.social?

Well, for one, try saying ‘boop!’, preferably while lightly tapping someone or something on the nose

Unless you’re a heartless monster, the boop is fun. It’s a small moment of joy.

While much of the content here will be of a more serious nature, I think it’s important to remember that social media is just that: social! And part of being social and building genuine relationships is to remember to be human, to embrace the absurdity and joy of life.

Remember: No one has all of the answers, the tools and viable strategies for each platform change constantly, and the only real certainty is that no one has all of the answers. If you want to excel in social media and community management, you’re going to need a sense of humor!

…plus, it’s a pretty cool domain name, it is easy to remember, and it was available.

Note: Originally posted at http://wipster.io/blog/meerkat-periscope-part-1

The past few months have seen a surge in video streaming thanks to the introduction of mobile-based apps Periscope and Meerkat. While both are fairly new, they have seen explosive growth and are well on their way to becoming part of social engagement for brands and businesses. Periscope and Meerkat each have their strengths – but which one is the best fit for your social engagement strategy? How do you get started? and how do you get maximum value for your brand? Tara, Wipster’s Community Manager blogs about which platform might be best for you, and how to get started with live video streaming.

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Note: This article was originally posted at wipster.io/blog/the-surge-in-video-content-on-facebook

The message is clear: Facebook is making a huge investment in video content.

Every year Facebook holds a big developer conference where they announce their newest features, updates, and tips for getting the most out of the upcoming changes. On day one of this year’s F8 Conference, Facebook unveiled a suite of changes to the way they display, surface, and otherwise support the surge in video content.

If you’re invested in the success of your brand or business on Facebook you’ll know that the individual user’s feed is Facebook actively filtered, surfacing content which is deemed relevant and engaging. With Facebook prioritizing video content as highly as they have from a development standpoint, it’s a pretty safe bet to assume that they’re also helping to prioritize video content within the user’s feed.

Our initial experiments have shown a sizable increase in organic reach and engagement for video based content over Photo, or text only posts. But hey, don’t take our word for it: Try out the new features, see what works, and adjust your strategy accordingly! If you’re not already leveraging video content I think you’ll find it can make a huge difference to your overall success!

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I really enjoy public speaking. Given the opportunity to sign up for a talk or panel, I will almost always say yes. Just this week I’ve started on the presentation for one talk, submitted an application to talk at another event, and am in the process of outlining my submissions for an additional two later in the year.

This is basically me right now:

Obligatory meme, courtesy of Hyperbole & a Half


This has led some people to make a bit of a misplaced conclusion:

“I’m not an extrovert like you, I can’t do that sort of thing, get on stage and talk to people like that!”

I’ve heard variants of that same sentiment throughout the years, and while entertaining, it is completely off the mark.

I am a hardcore introvert.

If you know me well, this shouldn’t come as any sort of surprise. Small talk with a group of strangers is something I generally try to avoid, and attempting to get me to go out to any sort of spontaneous social event can be nothing short of a Herculean feat. I relax by being alone, spending an inordinate amount of time working on personal projects, naval gazing, and/or rambling on about random topics on Twitter. I’m not exactly Ms. Socialite.

So why is it that I love public speaking?

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