I’m honored to announce that for this year’s GCAP (Games Connect Asia Pacific) conference I will be acting as both a speaker & the official social media sponsor!
As a speaker, I’ll be joining Lauren Clinnick (@laurclinn) and Katie Gall (@steggy_) of Lumi Consulting to discuss the ways to utilize social media before, during, and after you launch your game. Continue Reading
Earlier this month I was invited to speak at the Game Developers of Wellington on the topic of using Social Media to Network & Promote Yourself. You can now catch (most of) the talk online! I managed to out-talk the memory stick, so apologies for the abrupt cut off near the end.
Interested in hearing me speak about something specific in a future talk or livestream? Drop me a line in the comments below, or via Twitter @boopsocial!
I was recently honored to speak at the first ever AmplifyNZ event in Auckland, NZ.
From the Australian version of the event:
Amplify is Australia’s leading ideas and events platform for exploring business innovation, technology, thought leadership and customer culture with the world’s best thinkers. In a time of unprecedented business disruption, Amplify is AMP’s initiative to discuss the future of business with Australian business community.
My talk centers around the topic of re-invention, and how I’ve applied it throughout my own life.
Give it a watch, and drop me a line @boopsocial with your thoughts!
Looking to learn more about using social media? In the Wellington area? JOIN US!
I’ll be talking about using social media to network & promote yourself at the September Game Developers of Wellington Meetup. I’ll be discussing tips, tricks, and personal anecdotes. It’ll be fun!
From the official description:
JUST DO (MORE OF) IT: Using social media to network & promote yourself (even if you’re not Shia levels of intense)
Fantastic special guest speaker Lucy Morris touched on the importance of using social media to network, promote and amplify your message. Now overly-enthusiastic American and past game industry Sr. CM Tara Brannigan (PikPok, Xbox, PopCap) will provide an overview on the do’s and don’ts of communicating online. Whether you’re just looking to meet other game devs and network, or wanting to promote your game(s) online, this crash course should provide valuable info on getting started and growing your presence in a genuine way.
When: Tues, 1 Sept 2015 – 6:00PM
Where: Victoria University School of Design – 139 Vivian St., Wellington NZ
Who should attend: Anyone who is interested! You don’t need to be a GDOW member to attend.
Cost: Free!
I really enjoy public speaking. Given the opportunity to sign up for a talk or panel, I will almost always say yes. Just this week I’ve started on the presentation for one talk, submitted an application to talk at another event, and am in the process of outlining my submissions for an additional two later in the year.
This is basically me right now:
Obligatory meme, courtesy of Hyperbole & a Half
This has led some people to make a bit of a misplaced conclusion:
“I’m not an extrovert like you, I can’t do that sort of thing, get on stage and talk to people like that!”
I’ve heard variants of that same sentiment throughout the years, and while entertaining, it is completely off the mark.
I am a hardcore introvert.
If you know me well, this shouldn’t come as any sort of surprise. Small talk with a group of strangers is something I generally try to avoid, and attempting to get me to go out to any sort of spontaneous social event can be nothing short of a Herculean feat. I relax by being alone, spending an inordinate amount of time working on personal projects, naval gazing, and/or rambling on about random topics on Twitter. I’m not exactly Ms. Socialite.